Purchase Information
FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED – Each parcel of land will be sold on a first come, first served basis, to the first person who sends us a property order accompanied by initial payment. If your order is received too late, we will return your deposit promptly, but if you make two choices as provided for on the order form, you will avoid disappointment as one of the two will almost certainly be available.
FOREIGN EXCHANGE – Buyers outside Canada may remit by cheque or money order in Canadian or US Dollars. At present, we allow a two percent premium on United States Currency. This rate is subject to change.
INFORMATION contained in our property descriptions is taken from personal site inspections, government maps, topographical maps, reports, and other reliable sources and while we do not guarantee it, we believe it to be accurate.
PRICES – All prices on our website are in Canadian funds and are subject to change without notice. Seashore Properties reserves the right to remove or hold a property from the market at any time, without notice.
NO AGENTS – We keep our prices down by employing no agent or representative and paying no commissions. All sales are handled through our office in Kelowna.
NO CONDITIONS – If you buy a property, you are not obligated to live on it or use it unless you wish to do so. Our properties are suitable for building.
NON-RESIDENTS OF CANADA – You may buy property in Canada under the same conditions as Canadian residents can buy.
DOCUMENTS ON FILE – We hold perfect title, in the form of a Deed or Certificate of Title for every property. These documents may be inspected at our office. We undertake to give you clear title upon full payment of the purchase price.
NO MORTGAGE – Under our purchase plan, you never need carry the burden of a mortgage. When you have paid the purchase price, plus interest, we will on receipt of a five hundred dollar ($500.00) fee, convey to you a good and marketable title without mortgage encumbrances.
PROPERTY TAXES – The buyer is required to pay taxes for 2008 and following years. Taxes are apportioned to date of purchase. A twenty dollar charge (including Sales Tax) per tax bill will be added for bank, handling, and maintenance fees to pay taxes and carry on necessary correspondence with Municipalities for the duration of the contract.
CANADIAN SALES TAX – Canada imposes a one time five percent Goods and Services Tax (GST) on the full purchase price of the property, except for the provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick where it is a thirteen percent Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). This tax is payable to the Canadian Government through Seashore Properties Ltd. when the purchase price is fully paid and title is being transferred to the buyer.
TERMS – The buyer may choose whether to take advantage of the 10% discount offered for cash or to pay in regular monthly installments. If payments are to be made by installments, the first monthly payment will become due one month from the date of acceptance of the order and each month thereafter on the same date until the purchase price is paid in full. Regularity of monthly payments is essential. Interest will be calculated monthly on the unpaid balance of the account (including taxes paid on the buyer’s behalf) at a rate of 12% per annum. Outstanding balances may be paid out at any time WITHOUT PENALTY.
Alternative payment plans may be designed to accommodate your personal requirements.
EXCHANGE PRIVILEGE – If for any reason, within one year from date of acceptance of the original purchase, you decide to exchange your property for another property of equal or greater value, we will credit all monies paid to Seashore Properties Ltd. for the property to the new account, less interest and taxes, if any. An exchange fee of $300 is payable at the time of transfer.
HOW TO ORDER – Contact our office by phone, fax or email and fill in the order form. If you prefer to order by phone, you must send a signed order form or letter at the same time.
OFFICE HOURS – We will be happy to assist you. We are here to serve you by mail, phone, email, or in person. Feel free to visit our website at www.SeashoreProperties.ca or call our office at 1.250.317.1782 for information.