New Brunswick has a blend of climate typical of a coastal area and that of an inland province. Summers are typically warm and comfortable but not too hot. Many pleasant but cooler days are experienced in spring and autumn. Temperatures are given in Celsius rather than Fahrenheit.
Weather Forecast
New Brunswick's weather forecasts are produced from Environment Canada's New Brunswick Weather Services Office located in Fredericton.
New Brunswick is on Atlantic Daylight Time. Entering New Brunswick from Maine or Quebec, set your watch ahead one hour.
New Year's Day
Good Friday (March 28)
Easter Monday (March 31)
Victoria Day (May 19)
Canada Day (July 1)
New Brunswick Day (Aug.4)
Labor Day (Sept.l)
Thanksgiving Day (Oct.13)
Remembrance Day (Nov. 11)
Christmas Day (Dec. 25)
Boxing Day (Dec. 26).
In the event of an emergency visitors should dial O or 911. Medical services are listed in the front of telephone directories and are marked by a white H on a green background on road signs.
Legal drinking age in licensed premises is 19 years. Bottled liquor (spirits, wine, beer) is sold in government stores. There am various private stores throughout the province that sell liquor as agencies for the NB Liquor Corporation.
Officers of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) patrol New Brunswick's highways and are responsible for other provincial police duties. Municipal forces exist within most communities.
Tide Schedules
Since tide schedules change every day and vary with location, times of high and low tides should be obtained from a visitor information centre or by calling 1 800 561-0123.
Sales Tax
14% tax on all goods and services.